Are you a react native developer? Have you encountered any mistakes during app development? If yes, then this article is dedicated to such react native common mistakes. The success of react-native lies in the contribution of 1.6K active contributors. There is no other way to deny the fact that React Native is a widely accepted phenomenon among developers and entrepreneurs.
When things are accepted widely, it becomes obvious to encounter some errors, bugs, or blunders. It is only possible when the platform is used several times and the team keeps improving the interface.
The article today explains the Top 11 React Native App Development Mistakes. A beginner or a professional react native developer can check out the blunders and correct them accordingly.
Table of Contents
ToggleTop 11 React Native App Development Mistakes Of 2021:
It is not just the limitation vested into the framework, and sometimes the blunders also prove to be the challenge while constructing any app. So here is an overview of some commonly accepted react native errors.
1. Wrong Estimation:-
The first error comes when any developer forgets or skips the layout terminology. The layout for iOS app development or android app development can be different. Other than that, there might be possibilities that the developer may find reusable components.
Following error comes in the forms. Any developer must also prefer the layout validation because any developer who builds any app in the react-native needs to write many codes. It does not happen when apps are constructed on the Hybrid or other platform.
Moreover, the team can look out for the backend team’s loose ends (if any). Simultaneously, it is necessary to maintain all such logic hence code accuracy is the master key. The developer must understand the database structure to avoid react native app development mistakes.
2. Disappropriate Image Optimization:-
Image optimization is the crucial step in terms of application development. Speaking off, many developers skip or neglect this crucial step. Ignorance of such mistakes leads to a high chance of getting misaligned images in the final delivery.
Similarly, the load time on the website also increases if the images are not well optimized. In addition, optimization helps compress the images in short sizes, which boosts the website’s speed and user stability.
3. Misaligned Redux Store Planning:-
A developer is always expected to create something new in any project. But sometimes, planning the layout and leaving loose ends on the data handling give major or minor react native application development mistakes.
Redux store planning ensures that the data remains safe and sound on the directories. Simultaneously, it untangles the app rates and performs data management efficiently. So when anybody skips the redux store planning, you may lose the app functionality.
4. An Eye On Module Code:-
This is not a new phenomenon for the developer to utilize external modules for time-saving on development. It makes things work flawlessly and provides the required pace when coming along with documentation.
Keeping in mind the general react-native mistakes, the module may not work as expected. This is why any developer-first reads the code, then considers it as the flow of react-native best development practice.
5. Mutation Process:-
Any qualified developer knows how the datastore and views are interconnected. Datastore is the way to keep the data in components. Similarly, the view is rendered based on state. After that, it consumed a new form from the datastore and displayed it on the screen then.
All of the processes come under the umbrella known as the “Life cycle.” Now, if the data mutation happens directly, the developer has messed up the life cycle. Not only this, it corrupts the entire previous state. When this happens, the app so developed behaves abnormal and, in some cases, even crashes.
6. Working With Stateless Component:-
With the emergence of React Native16, developers working on the old grounds must change their development techniques. Because with the release of react native16, the earlier procedures have become stateless components.
Stateless components are the components that cannot expand any class further. Before reacting native16, these were utilized, but now it’s high time developers must stop this practice. Instead, they should utilize pure components to avoid any react-native mistake.

7. Left “console.log” Statement:-
Console log statements are the best friends of any developer. It provides help in debugging the app execution. In many react native development mistakes, it is found that the log statement has remained in the app.
It, in return, gives serious issues when logic and render methods are kept inside. Especially when there is a threat of a bottleneck in the JavaScript thread, this mistake can cause the application to become slower.
8. Writing Unit Test:-
The practice of doing development without noting down the unit tests is a big react-native error. The unit test is not adequately documented and can take your app at risk of drowning in the IT sector.
It is a big react native app development blunder because any error or bug is hard to resolve once an app is ready to launch. Moreover, if developers do not resolve the error, it impacts the entire functionality of the application.
9. Attention to Protocols:-
Avoiding the fundamental protocols while react native app development can cause considerable harm to your final app. Therefore, it is advised that the developer and designer both follow the best practices to avoid any discrepancies.
React native is why it is considered as the top-notch platform for building apps. It is an ocean of best practices that any development team must follow. Simultaneously, following the standard protocol will tamper with the overall development process.
10. Avoiding the Project Structure:-
The team of developers never overlook or ignore the actual project layout in any circumstances. Instead, the developer must deploy their spare time in learning about the project details.
Avoiding any single lead or detail on the project will lead your app to sink in the water. A well-organized structure allows any react native app development company to give their best and receive the best outcome from the client.
11. Coding Skills:-
Coding skills are something that deals directly with the presentation and functionality of the react native app. Utilizing the latest trends, techniques, and formats will serve fruitful results. There are many functions and skills one cannot avoid like:
- Using Array instead of manually managing strings.
- Vital doms must begin with the “render” command.
- Variables & React elements should be in PascalCase.
- Events methods must flinch with “on” to show it is attached.
- Pure JS code should be ignored.
- Codes must be used with complete accuracy.
- The primary render method must involve JSX.
To Sum Up:-
These were the few common mistakes due to ignorance, lack of knowledge, skill-set, etc. Any developer must first contemplate the project, study it, choose the relevant team to work with and start building the app with complete focus & consent. It will surely aid in the best Mobile App Development practices and avoid react native app development mistakes.